I wish Educational Psychology Woolfolk 11th Edition had never been recommended for school. The paperback book is exceedingly wide making it awkward to hold in any studying position. Also, the margins are huge, they don't even properly utilize the extra width! Sometimes there are definitions in the margins but every one of them is something overly simplistic and common knowledge. Educational Psychology Woolfolk 11th Edition has really large font, making it feel like a textbook from junior high school. Overall, I find Educational Psychology Woolfolk 11th Edition to assume my intellect to be far below the norm for education students and some of the comments in it are downright wrong/rude. I would not recommend Educational Psychology Woolfolk 11th Edition. Only giving it three stars because I don't know what other Educational Psychology.
Product Details
* Paperback: 672 pages
* Publisher: Prentice Hall; 12 edition (January 15, 2012)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 0132613166
* ISBN-13: 978-0132613163
* Product Dimensions: 10.9 x 8.9 x 0.9 inches